I like pretty food. Look at that, erm, scallop and ... erm ... well look at it. Doesn't it look dainty and delightful? Oh yes it does. (Of course, if I was being r-e-a-l-l-y picky I'd make the portion about seven times bigger but hey, that's just me.) I think this lust for attractive nosh is sister to my utterly inappropriate method of supermarket shopping too. I am the prime target for those marketing moguls who yell on about fancy packaging to seduce the fools who amble idly down the aisles, casually picking up bright packages or items boasting the words 'rich,' 'stone baked,' 'parmesan crust,' *wipes mouth* and the like. Yep. I am a sucker for food porn.
I even sort of do it with books too. If I'm in a library feeling adventurous enough to throw caution to the winds and NOT get a Richard and Judy voted book, I tend to just browse willy nilly, going for the books with the prettiest or most eye catching titles. Which, if you think about it, is quite funny when you ponder the ol' proverb about not judging a book by its cover. Hmm. Not sure what this says about me but ...
So. Me and my aesthetically charged appetite went for supper (oh and the boy and his wallet came too, of course) and what did I choose? The linguine with the cream AND gorgonzola in. Bacon AND chicken in. My saucer eyes could not be dissuaded. I was definitely going to eat it all. Even the fact that the rather petite waitress needed help just to carry the gargantuan bowl over to me couldn't stop me. DIG IN, I thought. (And yes, yes I did put extra parmesan on top.)
Later as I sat in the bathroom, my cheek resting against the cooling tiles and my tummy yelping furiously at me, I thought about my greed for fancy food. Creamy goodness is just evil wrapped up in an appealing disguise. I sighed loudly enough for Marc to poke his head around the door and deliver the entirely unhelpful line, 'Well I did warn you it would be too rich, didn't I?' before I furiously lobbed the Andrex twelve pack at his big, fat head. (Women are meant to have MYSTERY attached to them. This is clearly quite hard to keep up when your boyfriend catches you on the loo.) So yes, yes I was warned but did I heed? No. No, I did not. But I defy you to ignore the menu when something whipped and creamed and tousled into something beautiful is staring back at you.
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