Nope, this is not some thinly veiled attempt to blog my waltz from 'the closet' in all its probable sparkly sequin covered, marching band flouncing, frantic arm flapping, rosy cheeked choirboy singing, white collared dove releasing glory.
(See I say I know gay, and yet...)
Sidenote: To be honest, considering my new Blackberryness I probably would blog my new found sexuality were it ever to, um, change. you know. Um... *desperately tries to claw blog back into at least seeming smidgen of reality*
The point of this 'grubby pawed toddler showing his less than impressed mother the large worm he found in its death throes' information, is that I acquired a Blackberry a few months ago from a very good, very generous friend of mine. (Thank you, Sarah.) I've always been a bit of a snob when it comes to technology, something I ranted about in my first ever blog, and not in the cool, that is sooo last year, Apple way. In the way that smacks of a caveman that simply doesn't have the brain capacity to appreciate modernity. Don't get me wrong. I think Apple products are PRETTY. But apparently that's not the point. So, I've always insisted that having internet on your phone is just plain stupid and unnecessary and that no I don't want to see how you can access the latest news and events on your phone and update your facebook status and check the weather in Chulmleigh and take a picture to send to your Aunt Matilda in Australia and summon a personalised unicorn with the power of one button all at the same time. Thank you very much. But now I've actually got internet on my phone...
...well it's a whole different story. Facebook is horribly accessible. A friend makes a comment on a photo or someone sends me an invite to an event I'll never go to and WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM. My phone trills and flashes a little blink-y red light at me instantly. No more squabbling over which actor was in what when Google is at your fingertips. Or ever getting lost, when a map shows you just how retarded your original route was and how clever this suggested new one is. Oh and I've started tweeting. Tweeting *blushes* quite a lot. About really quite trivial stuff.
Ok, that's not fair actually. If you'd witnessed that muffin based loveliness you would have taken a picture of it too. Don't get me wrong, I used the internet before. Obviously. I mean, my Grandparents use the internet. But I used it at my desk, on a computer, connected to a plug of some kind. Not all portable and cool and modern. And I'm not just a grudging convert either - I'd happily glaze my nipples and skip squealing through the streets, lauding the merits of internet on your phone. So essentially I'm a big, fat hypocrite. One little Blackberry and all my snide scoffing is thrown - nay, HURLED - out of the window. And the worst thing? I'm too smug, grinning like a loon, to actually stop tweeting rubbish or checking information on my phone when there's a perfectly good computer with a much larger screen just next to me. I'm like that nerd who FINALLY got invited to the party and is now running around like a small child at Christmas, on meth, wolfing down cake and snortsquealing (*hangs head* my speciality) as they run around the dance floor spraying crumbs and slowly turning purple with excitement.
And yes. I'm totally going to tweet this.
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